- [S18] Lumir Joseph Prucha, Application for Social Security Account (SS-5), Nov. 28, 1936, SSN 505-07-4073, 3309 North 59 Street Omaha, Nebraska; Social Security Administration.

- [S19] Clara Prucha, Application for Social Security Account (SS-5), 3/12/52, SSN 508-38-9122, 3309 No 59 st, Omaha, Nebr; Social Security Administration.

- [S20] John A. Brennan, Application for Social Security Account (SS-5), July 24, 1942, SSN 508-20-8279, 3340 No 47th Ave. Omaha. Douglas. Neb.; Social Security Administration.

- [S21] George Prucha, Application for Social Security Account (SS-5), 8-3-38, SSN 506-12-2923, 3309 No. 59th Omaha, Nebr.; Social Security Administration.

- [S23] Interview with Mary Prucha (Bennington, Nebraska), by Richard Prucha, Nov 7, 1999. Phone conversation.
- [S24] Interview with Mary Prucha (Bennington, Nebraska), by Richard Prucha, April 18, 1999. Phone conversation.
- [S25] Lumir and Mary Prucha, The Holy Bible, Douay - Confraternity New Catholic Version (New York: P.J. Kenedy & Sons, April 10, 1950); Mary Prucha, Bennington, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Prucha, Lou & Mary, Family Bible.

- [S26] Edward John Prucha, "Mom information, freestyle", e-mail message from unknown author e-mail (Maine) to Ed Prucha siblings, Dec 2, 1999. Hereinafter cited as "Ed email with Mom information, freestyle."

- [S27] Catherine (Prucha) Hall, "Judson and Catherine Hall family tree", ca. 1997 (Yuma, Colorado). Handwritten family tree done for Hall children school project. Hereinafter cited as "Hall/Prucha family tree."

- [S28] Interview with Mary Prucha (Bennington, Nebraska), by Richard Prucha, Dec 9, 1999. Phone conversation.
- [S29] Interview with Mary Prucha (Bennington, Nebraska), by Richard Prucha, Dec 20 to 27, 1999. Conversations with Mom during visit and review of pictures.
- [S32] Mary Brennan, 8th grade Diploma June 10, 1934, Holy Name School Catholic Elementary Schools of the Diocese of Omaha, at Omaha, Nebraska; Holy Name Grade School, Holy Name Grade School, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.

- [S33] Mary Margaret Brennan, Certificate of Birth No. 9422B (A16037) (1-23-1921), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.

- [S34] Mary Margaret Brennan "Remembrance of first Holy Communion" certificate, (May 20, 1928), St. Cecilias Church Cathedral, St. Cecilia's Church Cathedral, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Mary Brennan 1st Communion Certificate.
- [S35] Marilyn Martinek Baby Photograph, Baby picture with note on back, possibly written by Lumir Prucha, "Marlynn Martinek Daughter of John Martinek Died 20 Mons old", Original in possession of author (unknown repository address).
- [S36] John Martinek Photograph, Photo of John Martinek with note on back, probably written by Lumir Prucha: "John Martinek, grandpa, died 1932"., Original in possession of author (unknown repository address).
- [S37] George and Clara (Martinek) Prucha Wedding Photograph, Wedding picture with note on back, probably written by Lumir Prucha: "Mas & Dads Wedding picture, Married in the yr of 1914, November 17th, Mr. & Mrs. George Prucha"., Original in possession of author (unknown repository address).
- [S39] Lumir Prucha, High School Diploma June 4, 1937, Omaha Public Schools High School Department Technical High School, at Omaha, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.

- [S40] Private Lumir J. Prucha, Air Corps Clerks Diploma April 29, 1942, United States Army Air Corps Technical School, ; Original in possession of author.

- [S41] Lumir J. Prucha, Army of the United States Certificate of Service - 1st Lt Lumir J Prucha, Air Corps, Book 35 Pages 609/610 (Santa Ana Army Air Base Santa Ana California: Army of the United States). Hereinafter cited as US Army Air Corps Certificate of Service.

- [S42] Lumir Prucha, 8th grade Diploma January 27, 1933, Benson Jr. High School Omaha Public Schools Grammar Department, at Omaha, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.

- [S43] Letter from Adela Sindelar (Hillsboro, IA 52630) to Mary Prucha, Jan 24, 1981; Original in possession of author (unknown repository address). Letter to Mary Prucha in sympathy card for Lou Prucha's death.

- [S45] William Sindelar, 481-42-3494, Sindelar, William, SSDI from Family Tree Maker, Social Security Death Index, 1937-1998, Family Archive CD #110 (Geneology.com : The Learning Company, Inc. Family Tree Maker, Copyright (c) 1999). Hereinafter cited as William Sindelar, SSDI.
- [S46] Vencel Joe Martinek, Application for Social Security Account (SS-5), Febr. 4, 1966, SSN 508-66-7212, Scribner Nebraska 68057; Social Security Administration.
- [S48] Bernard Marino, "Bernard Marino Family Information", 24 Jun 2000 (Beaver Creek, Ohio). Handwrittern information on Bernie's ancenstors. Hereinafter cited as "Marino Family Information."

- [S49] Letter from Marguerite Martinek (105 9th St. Scribner, Nebraska 68057) to Rick Prucha, Postmarked August 22, 2000; Original in possession of author (unknown repository address).
- [S50] Prucha - Essie M., Omaha World Herald - Online Edition, Omaha, Nebraska, October 23, 2000. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S51] Mary Margaret Brennan, June 3, 1938, High School Graduation Exercises Announcement, The June Class Omaha Benson High School, at Central High School Auditorium; Original in possession of author.

- [S52] Mary Margaret Brennan, June 2, 1943, College Graduation Commencement Exercises Announcement, The Faculty and Senior Class of Duchesne College, at Omaha, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.

- [S53] Mary Margaret Brennan, February 4, 1940, Nurses Capping Exercises of the Freshmen Class Announcement, The Faculty of the School of Nursing of St. Joseph's Hospital, at Nurses Residence Gymnasium; Original in possession of author.

- [S54] Stephanie Michele Patton and Ryan Garrett Buya, June 17, 2000, Stephanie Patton & Ryan Buya Wedding Announcement, at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church Fort Worth Texas; Original in possession of author.
- [S67] Brennan, Mary Margaret, Verification of Baptism, (4/26/30), Document is a handwritten note on Saint John's Church, 2500 California Street, Omaha, U.S.A. letterhead verifying that "Mary Margaret Brennan was baptized in this church Feb. 6, 1921 & was born Jan. 16, 1921, of John Brennan & Nora Meehan, his wife." It is signed by Rev. John J. O'Bryan, S.J., Pastor, St. John's Church., St. John's Church, St. John's Church, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Brennan, Mary, Baptism.

- [S69] Lumir Prucha "Remembrance of the First Holy Communion" certificate, (May 29, 1927), St. Bernard Catholic Church, St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Lumir Prucha, 1st Communion.
- [S70] Married at 7:15 A. M., Graduated at 10, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, June 2, 1943, Front page. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.

- [S71] Lumir Prucha and Mary Margaret Brennan marriage, June 2, 1943, Holy Name Church, Holy Name Church, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Douglas County.

- [S72] Lumir J. Prucha, Certificate of Birth 13882 (July 6, 1917), Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, P.O. Box 95065, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.

- [S73] Lumir Prucha, Certificate of Baptism, (June 3, 1917), St. Wenceslaus Church, St. Wenceslaus Church, Dodge, Dodge County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Lumir Prucha, Baptism.

- [S74] Lumir Joseph Prucha, Certificate of Death 206714 (Jan 29, 1981), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Lumir Prucha, Death Certificate.

- [S76] Deaths and Funerals: Prucha - Lumir, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, January 17, 1981, Pg. 28. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.

- [S77] Lumir J. Prucha, The Douglas County Gazette, Douglas County, Nebraska, January 22, 1981, Pg. 4. Hereinafter cited as The Douglas County Gazette.

- [S78] James Francis Prucha, Certificate of Baptism, (July 6, 1947), St. Bernard Catholic Church, St. Bernard Catholic Church, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as James Prucha, Baptism.

- [S82] Personal knowledge of the author.
- [S83] John Austin Brennan, Certificate of Death 138501 (Jun 24, 1966), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as John Austin Brennan Death Certificate.

- [S84] Nora Catherine Brennan, Certificate of Death 141903 (Mar 15, 1967), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Nora C. Brennan, Death Certificate.

- [S85] Edward John Prucha, "Family Bible Info", e-mail message from unknown author e-mail (Maine) to Ed Prucha siblings, Dec 2, 1999. Hereinafter cited as "Ed email with Family Bible Info."

- [S86] Interview with Mary Prucha (Bennington, Nebraska), by Richard Prucha, Unknown Date.
- [S87] Margaret E. Morran, Funeral/Prayer card July 17, 1970, Heafey & Heafey, at Omaha, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.

- [S89] Mary Alice Dugdale, Funeral/Prayer card March 23, 1965, John A. Gentleman Mortuary, at Omaha, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.

- [S90] Agnes C. Brennan, Funeral/Prayer card March 17, 1962, John A. Gentleman Mortuary, at Omaha, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.

- [S91] Interview with Catherine and Stanley Osterman (Kilgore, Nebraska), by Rick Prucha, October 27, 2001. Phone conversation with Cath and Fritz while I was visiting Mom (Mary Prucha).
- [S94] George Prucha, Funeral/Prayer card December 25, 1967, Kremer Funeral Home, at Omaha, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.

- [S95] George Prucha and Clara Martinek, Marriage License, County Court of Dodge County, Nebraska, 435 North Park, Room 102, Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Prucha - Martinek, Marriage License.

- [S96] Mr. George Prucha and Miss Clara Martinek marriage, November 17, 1914, in Dodge County, Nebraska Marriage Records, Certificate of Marriage No. 258, Book 14, page 585, County Court of Dodge County, Nebraska, 435 North Park, Room 102, Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Dodge Co., Nebraska Marriages.

- [S97] George Prucha, Declaration of Intention, No. 653 (January 25, 1921); District Court of Dodge County, Nebraska, Dodge County District Court, Dodge, Dodge County, Nebraska.

- [S98] George Prucha, Certificate of Citizenship, No. 3713320, Petition No. 10603 (January 26, 1934); U.S. Department of Labor, District court of Douglas County, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.

- [S99] Deaths and Funerals, Prucha - George, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, Dec. 27, 1967, Pg. 40 M. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.

- [S100] Clara Prucha, Certificate of Citizenship, 4348205, Petition No. 1473 (September 27, 1937); U.S. Department of Labor, United Stated District Court of District of Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.

- [S101] Clara Mary Prucha will (January 9, 1978), Last Will and Testament of Clara Mary Prucha MF Roll 670, Number 130-372, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Clara Prucha Will.
- [S102] Deaths and Funerals, Prucha - Clara M., Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, August 21, 1982, Pg. 32. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S103] Author assumtion or estimate.
- [S105] Julia Martinek, 506-44-3859, Martinek, Julia, SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ssdi/advanced.htm (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched Feb 5, 1999). Hereinafter cited as Julia Martinek SSDI.
- [S106] John Martinek, Funeral/Prayer card October 9, 1981, Spear Funeral Home, at Scribner, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.

- [S107] Katie Lenneman, Funeral/Prayer card November 16, 1966, at Snyder, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.
![Lenneman[N], Katie, Prayer Card, 16 Nov 1966](picicon.gif)
- [S108] Interview with Nora and Bernard Marino (Beaver Creek, Ohio), by Richard Prucha, About June 20, 2000. Discussions when Nonie and Bernie visited our house after Stephanie (Patton) Buya's 6/17/2000 wedding.
- [S109] Clara Prucha, 508-38-9122, Prucha, Clara, SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ssdi/advanced.htm (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched Feb 8, 1999). Hereinafter cited as Clara Prucha SSDI.
- [S110] George Prucha, 506-12-2923, Prucha, George, SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ssdi/advanced.htm (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched Feb 8, 1999). Hereinafter cited as George Prucha SSDI.
- [S111] Lumir Prucha, 505-07-4073, Prucha, Lumir, SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ssdi/advanced.htm (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched Feb 8, 1999). Hereinafter cited as Lumir Prucha SSDI.
- [S112] John Brennan, 508-20-8279, Brennan, John, SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ssdi/advanced.htm (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched Feb 8, 1999). Hereinafter cited as John Brennan SSDI.

- [S113] John Martinek, 507-48-1850, Martinek, John (Jr.), SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ssdi/advanced.htm (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched Feb 5, 1999). Hereinafter cited as John Martinek SSDI.
- [S114] Vencil [sic] Martinek, 508-66-7212, Martinek, Vencil [sic], SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ssdi/advanced.htm (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched Feb 5, 1999). SSDI name entry shows "Vencil", but his first name is actually Vencel.. Hereinafter cited as Vencil [sic] Martinek SSDI.
- [S116] Nora Catherine Meehan, Certificate of Birth No. 9421B (309) (October 14, 1895), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.
- [S117] John Austin Brennan, Certificate of Birth SER. D No. 3885 B, 9197 B (026), and 9198 B (206) (June 5, 1894), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.

- [S119] John Brennan and Nora Meehan, Marriage License, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Brennan - Meehan, Marriage License.
- [S120] John A. Brennan and Nora C. Meehan marriage, June 2, 1917, in St. Peters Church, Omaha, Douglas County, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as St. Peters Church.
- [S123] Former City Official Dies, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, June 19, 1966, Pg. 19B. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S124] Deaths and Funerals: Brennan - John A., Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, June 19, 1966, Pg. 19-B. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S125] Deaths and Funerals: Meehan - Minnie M., Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, February 21, 1982, Pg. 31-B. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S126] Meehan, Nora Catherine, Verification of Baptism, (May 29, 1917), Document is a handwritten note on Holy Family Church, 1715 Izard Street, Omaha letterhead, dated May 29th, 1917. The text includes: "To whom it may concern: This is to certify that Nora Catherine Meehan was born Oct. 14, 1895, and baptized in Holy Family Church Nov. 17, 1895. Parents, Holy Family Church, 1715 Izard St, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Meehan, Nora, Baptism.
- [S127] Deaths and Funerals: Brennan - Nora C., Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, March 12, 1967, Pg. 27-D. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S128] Interview with Mary Prucha (Bennington, Nebraska), by Richard Prucha, April 20, 2002. Conversation during visit to Nebraska.
- [S129] Letter from Mary Prucha (Bennington, Nebraska) to Richard Prucha, Unknown Date; Original in possession of author (unknown repository address).
- [S130] Mary Margaret Prucha, Certificate of Death 303974 (May 16, 2002), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Mary Prucha, Death Certificate.
- [S131] Prucha - Mary Margaret, Omaha World Herald - Online Edition, Omaha, Nebraska, May 12, 2002. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S132] Letter from Jos. J. Hudecek (Bohemian Catholic School, Building Company, Inc. 1245 South 13th Street, Omaha, Nebraska) to Mr. Hays, Jan 12, 1934; Original in possession of author (unknown repository address). Letter Contents:
Mr. Hayes:
Dear Sir! -
This is to certify that Mr. Geo. Prucha has for the past six months, twice a week, attended classes in our The St. Wenceslaus School.
Rev. Edw. Chapuran (?) director and the undersigned know that Mr. Prucha will be a good citizen, and highly recommend him for same,
Respectully Yours
Jos. J. Hudecek
- [S133] Lumir Prucha, Baptismal Remembrance, (June 3, 1917), Document is written in Czech., Original in possession of author, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Lumir Prucha, Baptism Remembrance.

- [S135] Letter from Bill Fairley (News Editor - Inland Broadcasting Company, 2027 Dodge, Omaha, Nebraska, JA 8282) to Mr. and Mrs. George Prucha, March 6, 1945; Original in possession of author (unknown repository address).

- [S136] "General Orders No. 42 - Section III", First and Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster awards, 22 March 1945; Original in possession of author; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "GO42."

- [S137] Lumir J. Prucha, Army of the United States Separation Qualification Record (AAFRS #4, AAB, Santa Ana, California: Army of the United States). Hereinafter cited as Separation Qualification Record.

- [S139] John A Brenan [sic] household, 1930 U.S. Census, Block 419, Ward 12, Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 14, 1930, enumeration district 28-135, supervisor's district 7, sheet 63B (handwritten), 189B (stamped), lines 75-78, dwelling 582, family 593, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 1279, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm, Indexed on ancestry.com as "John A Brenan."

- [S142] Letter from A. G. Carlson (127 No. 35th Ave. Omaha, Nebr.) to J. A. Brennan, August 8, 1929; unknown repository (unknown repository address). Downpayments and final payment on house built at 3340 No 47 ave for $4408.95. This document references the original agreement to build a Brick venier Bungalow for $4310.00 dated April 23, 1929.
- [S143] Bridget Brennan household, 1930 U.S. Census, Block 280, Ward 10, Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 14, 1930, enumeration district 28-118, supervisor's district 7, sheet 25A (handwritten) 175A (stamped), lines 1-4, dwelling 409, family 472, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 1279, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm, Indexed on ancestry.com as "Bridgett Breman."

- [S144] Edward J. Brennan and Bridget Dowd Marriage, International Genealogical Index (IGI) (unknown repository address: unknown repository, 31 May 1890).

- [S145] George Prucha household, 1930 U.S. Census, Block 135, Ward 11, Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 11, 1930, enumeration district 28-122, supervisor's district 7, sheet 45A (handwritten) 90A (stamped), lines 21-25, dwelling 425, family 439, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, Roll 1278, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S146] Deaths and Funerals, Prucha - George J. Jr., Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, December 23, 2001, Pg. 4B. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S147] Deaths and Funerals, Prucha - George J. Jr., Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, December 27, 2001, Pg. 4B. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S148] Edward J. Brennan and Bridget Dowd, Marriage License, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Brennan - Dowd, Marriage License.

- [S149] Edwin J. Milota and Mary Zeta Brennan, Marriage License, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Milota-Brennan, Marriage License.
- [S150] Edwin J. Milota and Mary Zeta Brennan marriage, June 19, 1929, in St. Cecilia's Church (Filed June 20, 1929 by Bryce Crawford, County Judge; Recorded June 21, 1929, Record No. 69868, Page 515.): Omaha, Douglas County, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Milota/Brennan Marriage Certificate.
- [S151] Shawn Meehan, "Ancestry.com message board posting by Shawn Meehan", e-mail message from e-mail address (http://boards.ancestry.com/) to Ancestry.com, 7 Aug 2000. Hereinafter cited as "Shawn Meehan message board."
- [S152] Vaclav Martinek household, 1880 U.S. Census, Lincoln Prect, Cuming County, Nebraska enumerated on June 1, 1880, enumeration district 60, supervisor's district 2, sheet 1 (handwritten), 240 (stamped), lines 26-30, dwelling 4, family 4, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T9, Roll 745, image viewed online or on CD from S-K Publications.
- [S153] Clarabelle Mares, St. Wenceslaus Catholic Cemetery (http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~necuming/wencescem.html : USGenWeb - Cuming County, Nebraska, August, 1979). Hereinafter cited as St. Wenceslaus Cemetery.

- [S154] John Martinek household, 1900 U.S. Census, Monterey Township, Cuming County, Nebraska enumerated on June 12, 1900, enumeration district 63, supervisor's district 3, sheet 3B (handwritten) 100B (stamped), lines 86-93, dwelling 48, family 48, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623, Roll 920, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S155] Frank J Lodl household, 1900 U.S. Census, Midland Precinct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on June, 1900, enumeration district 49, supervisor's district 3, sheet 1B (handwritten) 228B (stamped), lines 78-82, dwelling 16, family 16, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623-920, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S156] Assisted by Kathrine Petersen Clarabelle Mares, Holy Trinity Cemetery, Colfax Co., NE (http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/colfax/cemeteries/c_holytrinity.html : USGenWeb - Colfax County, Nebraska, September 5, 1976). Hereinafter cited as Holy Trinity Cemetery.

- [S157] Martin Lodl household, 1880 U.S. Census, Midland Precinct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on 1880, sheet ? (handwritten) 200A (stamped), National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T9-0745, image viewed online or on CD from www.FamilySearch.org.
- [S158] Interview with Marguerite Martinek (West Point, Nebraska), by Richard Prucha, December 11, 2002. Phone Conversation.
- [S159] Frank J Lodl Sr. household, 1910 U.S. Census, Midland Precinct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on April 19, 1910, enumeration district 51, supervisor's district 3, sheet 3A (handwritten) 71A (stamped), lines 13-16, dwelling 40, family 40, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624-841, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S160] Martin Lodl household, 1900 U.S. Census, Midland Precinct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on June, 1900, enumeration district 49, supervisor's district 3, sheet 3B (handwritten) 230B (stamped), lines 96-98, dwelling 55, family 55, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623-920, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S161] Rudolf Lodl household, 1900 U.S. Census, Midland Precinct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on June, 1900, enumeration district 49, supervisor's district 3, sheet 3B (handwritten) 230B (stamped), lines 93-95, dwelling 54, family 54, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623-920, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S162] Rudolf Lodl household, 1910 U.S. Census, Midland Precinct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on April 19, 1910, enumeration district 51, supervisor's district 3, sheet 3A (handwritten) 71A (stamped), lines 38-40, dwelling 45, family 45, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624-841, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S163] Martin Lodl household, 1910 U.S. Census, Midland Precinct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on April 27, 1910, enumeration district 51, supervisor's district 3, sheet 6B (handwritten) 74B (stamped), lines 86-90, dwelling 114, family 115, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624-841, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S165] Deaths and Funerals: Brennan - Agnes C., Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, March 19, 1962, Pg. 18-M. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.

- [S166] Deaths and Funerals: Morran - Margaret Elizabeth, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, July 18, 1970. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S167] Woman Slain as Children Watch Attack, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, July 18, 1970, Pg. 1. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S168] "Farmers' Directory of Colfax County, Nebraska" Transcribed and published on the web to support the Colfax County NEGenWeb Project. There is a note stating "I purchased this Atlas in very poor condition, with partial pages missing. I have provided as much information as possible." The Maple Creek and Midland precincts were used: http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/colfax/platmaps/1925maplecreek.html and http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/colfax/platmaps/1925midland.html, 1925 Standard Atlas of Colfax County, Nebraska, online http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/colfax/propertyowners.html, printout dated Dec 10, 2002. Previously published in hard copy (Unknown: Geo. A. Ogle & Co., 1925). Hereinafter cited as "1925 Standard Atlas, Colfax Co., NE."

- [S169] Heath Richter, online http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=SHOW&db=:3239847, e-mail address (Formerly e-mail address) (Database: 3239847, Updated 2006-06-12 (originally Database :1940415, Updated 11 Sep 2002)), downloaded 14 Jun 2006 (originally 15 Jan 2003).

- [S170] Henry D Meehan household, 1930 U.S. Census, Block 313, Ward 1, Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 2, 1930, enumeration district 28-10, supervisor's district 7, sheet 2A,B (handwritten) 27A,B (stamped), lines 42-50, 1-2, dwelling 23, family 25, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626-1273, image viewed online or on CD from Ancestry.com.
- [S171] Bridget Brennan household, 1920 U.S. Census, Ward 3, Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on January 13, 1920, enumeration district 36, supervisor's district 2, sheet 19A (handwritten) 214A (stamped), lines 16-23, dwelling 169, family 143, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, roll 988, image viewed online or on CD from Ancestry.com, Indexed on ancestry.com as "Birgit Breman."

- [S172] Patrick Meehan household, 1900 U.S. Census, Ward 1, Columbus City, Platte County, Nebraska enumerated on June 9, 1900, enumeration district 159, supervisor's district 3, sheet 7B (handwritten) 44B (stamped), lines 61-68, dwelling 139, family 142, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623, roll 937, image viewed online or on CD from NEGenWeb (transcript), www.ancestry.com.
- [S173] Bridget Brennan household, 1910 U.S. Census, Ward 9, Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 15, 1910, enumeration district 69, supervisor's district 2, sheet 1B (handwritten) 111B (stamped), lines 58-61, dwelling 11, family 14, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, roll 844, image viewed online or on CD from Ancestry.com.

- [S174] Patrick Garvey household, 1880 U.S. Census, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on Jun 2, 1880, enumeration district 12, supervisor's district 2, sheet 7 (handwritten) 93C (stamped), lines 40-50, dwelling 10, family 13, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T9, roll 747, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S175] Vernon Lindquist household, 1930 U.S. Census, Block 144 & 164, Precint 2, Yakima City, Yakima County, Washington enumerated on April 4, 1930, enumeration district 39-2, supervisor's district 8, sheet 5A (handwritten) 54A (stamped), lines 26, dwelling 69, family 73, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 2524, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S176] Edward Dugdale household, 1930 U.S. Census, Clarinda City, Page County, Iowa enumerated on April 29, 1930, enumeration district 73-22, supervisor's district 73, sheet 18A (handwritten) 178A (stamped), lines 41-44, dwelling 427, family 468, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 672, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S177] Asa Talcott household, 1930 U.S. Census, Precinct 14, Yakima City, Yakima County, Washington enumerated on April 7, 1930, enumeration district 37-14, supervisor's district 8, sheet 3B-4A (handwritten) 153B-154A (stamped), lines 99-100, 1-3, dwelling 73, family 74, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 2524, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S178] George Keyser household, 1920 U.S. Census, Ward 2, Fort Pierre City, Stanley County, South Dakota enumerated on January 13, 1920, enumeration district 190, supervisor's district 3, sheet 5A-B (handwritten) 123A-B (stamped), lines 47-52, dwelling 90, family 99, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, roll 1724, image viewed online or on CD from Ancestry.com.
- [S179] George W. Keyser household, 1930 U.S. Census, Fort Pierre City, Stanley County, South Dakota enumerated on April 26, 1930, enumeration district 59-4, supervisor's district 2, sheet 3B-4A (handwritten) 7B-8A (stamped), lines 100, 1-3, dwelling 64, family 70, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 2231, image viewed online or on CD from Ancestry.com.
- [S180] Mary M. Prucha, Application for Social Security Account (SS-5), Dec 28, 1950, SSN 506-38-2892, 6102 Decatur St., Omaha, Nebraska; Social Security Administration.
- [S182] Platte County, Nebraska Births, Marriages and Deaths recorded in Platte County Newspapers 1901 (October - December), online http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/platte/vitals/vitals1901d.html. Hereinafter cited as Platte Co., NE 1901 newspaper extracts.

- [S183] John C. Milota household, 1920 U.S. Census, Ward 2, Precinct No. 6, Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on January 10, 1920, enumeration district 130, supervisor's district 2, sheet 7A (handwritten) 274A (stamped), lines 35-44, dwelling 145, family 146, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, roll 989, image viewed online or on CD from Ancestry.com.
- [S184] James Dugdale household, 1900 U.S. Census, Ward 8, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on June 5&6, 1900, enumeration district 81, supervisor's district 2, sheet 10A (handwritten) 10A (stamped), lines 13-17, dwelling 196, family 202, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623-925, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S185] James P. Dugdale household, 1920 U.S. Census, Ward 11, Precint 3, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on January 8, 1920, enumeration district 117, supervisor's district 2, sheet 5B (handwritten) 180B (stamped), lines 85-97, dwelling 107, family 111, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, roll 989, image viewed online or on CD from Ancestry.com.
- [S186] Mary A. Dugdale household, 1930 U.S. Census, Blocks 411-434-451-452, Ward 11, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 4, 1930, enumeration district 28-128, supervisor's district 7, sheet 9B (handwritten) 41B (stamped), lines 65-71, dwelling 69, family 70, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 1279, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S187] Mary Prucha, 5056-38-2892, Prucha, Mary, SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ssdi/advanced.htm (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched January 16, 2003). Hereinafter cited as Mary Prucha SSDI.
- [S188] Joseph McBreen household, 1900 U.S. Census, Ward 3, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on June 6, 1900, enumeration district 3, supervisor's district 2, sheet 4B (handwritten) 35B (stamped), lines 57-63, dwelling 48, family 77, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623-923, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S189] Catherine Meehan, Certificate of Death 1481 (January 1910), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Catherine Meehan Death Certificate.

- [S190] Patrick H. Meehan, Certificate of Death 10813 (Nov 26, 1943), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Patrick H. Meehan Death Certificate.

- [S191] Henry D. Meehan and Minnie McBreen marriage, January 26, 1920, in Sacred Heart Church (Filed July 6, 1920 by Bryce Crawford, County Judge; Recorded July 31, 1920, Record No. 50231, Page 486): Omaha, Douglas County, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Meehan/McBreen Marriage Record.
- [S192] John Martinek, Certificate of Death C2543 (March 4, 1932), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as John Martinek Death Certificate.

- [S193] Mrs. Mary Martinek, Certificate of Death J4483 (May 17, 1938), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Mary Martinek Death Certificate.

- [S194] Deaths: MEEHAN - Patrick, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, November 24, 1943, Unknown. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.
- [S195] Edward L. Dugdale and Alice Meehan marriage, November 3, 1923, in St. Cecilias Cathedral (Filed July 12, 1924 by Bryce Crawford, County Judge; Recorded July 24, 1924, Record No. 61388, Page 469): Omaha, Douglas County, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Dugdale/Meehan Marriage Record.
- [S196] No Name Listed Meehan, Certificate of Birth Birth No. 126 135-05 (1905), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.
- [S197] Patrick Meehan household, 1910 U.S. Census, Precinct 4, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on May 7, 1910, enumeration district 67, supervisor's district 2, sheet 21B (handwritten) 94B (stamped), lines 59-66, dwelling 424, family 451, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, roll 844, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest, The Patrick Meehan family was enumerated twice in 1910.
- [S198] "Omaha, Nebraska Directories 1889-90 [database online]", 1889 and 1890, Meehan, Patrick 1889-1890 Omaha, Nebraska City Directory, online www.ancestry.com, printout dated March 5, 2003. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utah (Ancestry), Omaha, Nebraska (J.M. Wolfe & Co.): Ancestry.com, Originally published by J.M. Wolfe & Co., 2000 (Ancestry), 1889 and 1890 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "Meehan, Patrick 1889-1890 OmahaCityDir."

- [S199] Bridget Agnes Brennan, Certificate of Death 7023 (July 14, 1931), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Bridget Agnes Brennan Death Certificate.

- [S200] "Omaha, Nebraska Directories 1889-90 [database online]", 1889 and 1890, Brennan, Edward J. Omaha, Nebraska Directory 1889-90, online www.ancestry.com, printout dated March 5, 2003. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utah (Ancestry), Omaha, Nebraska (J.M. Wolfe & Co.): Ancestry.com, Originally published by J.M. Wolfe & Co., 2000 (Ancestry), 1889 and 1890 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "Brennan, Edward J. OmahaDir."

- [S201] Mary Dugdale household, 1880 U.S. Census, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on June 2, 1880, enumeration district 16, supervisor's district 4, sheet 6B (handwritten) 157B (stamped), lines 36-40, dwelling 37, family 37, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T9, roll 747, image viewed online or on CD from www.familysearch.org (online DB), www.ancestry.com (image).
- [S202] "Omaha, Nebraska Directories 1889-90 [database online]", 1889 and 1890, Dugdale, Mary A Omaha, Nebraska Directory, 1889-90, online www.ancestry.com, printout dated March 5, 2003. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utah (Ancestry), Omaha, Nebraska (J.M. Wolfe & Co.): Ancestry.com, Originally published by J.M. Wolfe & Co., 2000 (Ancestry), 1889 and 1890 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "Dugdale, Mary A OmahaDir."

- [S203] Charles Dugdale household, 1900 U.S. Census, Ward 8, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on June 5&6, 1900, enumeration district 81, supervisor's district 2, sheet 10A (handwritten) 10A (stamped), lines 18-21, dwelling 197, family 203, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623-925, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S204] AE Talcott household, 1920 U.S. Census, Precinct 10, Yakima City, Yakima County, Washington enumerated on January 8, 1920, enumeration district 221, supervisor's district 4, sheet 10A (handwritten) 135A (stamped), lines 3-7, dwelling 188, family 220, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, roll 1946, image viewed online or on CD from www.Ancestry.com.
- [S205] Carlin M. Talcott household, 1920 U.S. Census, East Summitview Precinct, Yakima County, Washington enumerated on January 10, 1920, enumeration district 191, supervisor's district 4, sheet 5B (handwritten) nnnB (stamped), lines 54-56, dwelling 104, family 105, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, roll 1945, image viewed online or on CD from www.Ancestry.com.
- [S206] Mary E. Milota household, 1930 U.S. Census, Benson Precinct, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 22, 1930, enumeration district 28-138, supervisor's district 7, sheet 12B (handwritten) 12B (stamped), lines 87-95, dwelling 298, family 298, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 1272, image viewed online or on CD from Ancestry.com.
- [S207] "California Death Index 1940-1997 [database online]", 1940 thru 1997, California Death Index 1940-1997, online http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=5180, printout dated March 24, 2003. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utah (Ancestry), Sacramento, CA (Original): Ancestry.com, Original electronic data: State of California. California Death Index, 1940-1997: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics, 19--., 2000 (Ancestry), 1940 thru 1997 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "CA_DeathIndx1940-97."
- [S208] Milota, Various, Milota SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched March 24, 2003). Hereinafter cited as Milota SSDI.
- [S211] "Washington Death Index 1940-1996 [database online]", 1940 thru 1996, Washington Death Index 1940-1996, online http://www.ancestry.com/search/rectype/inddbs/6716.htm, printout dated March 26, 2003. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utah (Ancestry), Washington (Original): Ancestry.com, Original data: Index created by: Washington State Department of Health. Microfilmed copy of index obtained from: Washington State Archives., 2002 (Ancestry), 1940 thru 1996 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "WA Death Index 1940-96."
- [S212] Talcott, Various, Talcott Washingon State SSDI, http://www.ancestry.com/ (http://www.ancestry.com/ : Ancestry.com, Searched March 27, 2003). Hereinafter cited as Talcott, WA SSDI.
- [S213] Mrs. Bridget A. Brennan, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, July 14, 1932, Pg. 21. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.

- [S214] Death Notices: BRENNAN - Bridget A., Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, July 14, 1931, Pg. 22. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.

- [S215] Patrick Meehan household, 1910 U.S. Census, Precinct 2, So. Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 23, 1910, enumeration district 112, supervisor's district 2, sheet 9A (handwritten) 33A (stamped), lines 37-44, dwelling 157, family 164, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, roll 845, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com, The Patrick Meehan family was enumerated twice in 1910.
- [S216] Joseph McBreen household, 1910 U.S. Census, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 18, 1910, enumeration district 31, supervisor's district 2, sheet 2B (handwritten) 21B (stamped), lines 74-83, dwelling 43, family 45, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624-843, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S217] John C. Milota household, 1910 U.S. Census, Ward 2, Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 16, 1910, enumeration district 9, supervisor's district 2, sheet 7A (handwritten) 163A (stamped), lines 13-19, dwelling 146, family 154, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, roll 843, image viewed online or on CD from Ancestry.com.
- [S218] Bessie Gomez household, 1930 U.S. Census, Ward 5, Block 1009, Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 2, 1930, enumeration district 28-48, supervisor's district 7, sheet 3A-B (handwritten) 3A-B (stamped), lines 48-51, dwelling 45, family 46, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 1274, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S219] Patrick Gentleman household, 1900 U.S. Census, Ward 6, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on June 1, 1900, enumeration district 70, supervisor's district 2, sheet 8A,B (handwritten) 179A,B (stamped), lines 47-52, dwelling 167, family 175, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623-924, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S220] Mary H Gentleman household, 1910 U.S. Census, 5th Pct, Ward 9, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 28, 1910, enumeration district 69, supervisor's district 2, sheet 13B (handwritten) 123B (stamped), lines 58-61, dwelling 257, family 279, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624-844, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S221] James W. Higgins household, 1910 U.S. Census, Shell Creek Pct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on May 11, 1910, enumeration district 48, supervisor's district 2, sheet 13B (handwritten) 40B (stamped), lines 60-69, family 28, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, roll 841, image viewed online or on CD from Heritaqe Quest.
- [S222] Catherine Higgins household, 1920 U.S. Census, Shell Creek Pct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on January 13, 1920, enumeration district 53, supervisor's district 3, sheet 4B (handwritten) 31B (stamped), lines 54-62, dwelling 67, family 69, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, roll 984, image viewed online or on CD from Heritaqe Quest, This Enumeration District for this census was enumerated by Thomas F. Higgins, son of Catherine.
- [S223] James Dowd household, 1910 U.S. Census, Pct 2, Ward 2, South Omaha City, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on April 22, 1910, enumeration district 112, supervisor's district 2, sheet 10A (handwritten) 3A (stamped), lines 19-25, dwelling 168, family 178, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, roll 845, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com, Indexed as James Daud.
- [S224] Frank T Dowd household, 1910 U.S. Census, Colfax Pct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on May 3, 1910, enumeration district 47, supervisor's district 3, sheet 9A (handwritten) 26A (stamped), lines 36-44, dwelling 158, family 159, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, roll 841, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S225] Assisted by Kathrine Petersen Clarabelle Mares, Holy Cross Cemetery, Colfax Co., NE (http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/colfax/cemeteries/c_holycross.html : USGenWeb - Colfax County, Nebraska, August 1, 1976). Hereinafter cited as Holy Cross Cemetery.

- [S226] Frank Dowd household, 1900 U.S. Census, Colfax Pct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on June 20, 1900, enumeration district 45, supervisor's district 3, sheet 5A (handwritten) 187A (stamped), lines 9-14, dwelling 73, family 75, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623, roll 920, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S227] Frank Dowd household, 1920 U.S. Census, Colfax Pct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on January 21, 1920, enumeration district 52, supervisor's district 3, sheet 4B-5A (handwritten) 21B-22A (stamped), lines 94-100, 1, dwelling 88, family 88, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, roll 984, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S228] Frank Dowd household, 1930 U.S. Census, Schuyler City, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on April 17, 1930, enumeration district 19-14, supervisor's district 3, sheet 17A (handwritten) 86A (stamped), lines 17-20, dwelling 285, family 492, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, roll 1269, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm, Indexed as Frank Doud.
- [S229] Clarabelle Mares, St. Patrick's of Clyde Cemetery, North Bend, Dodge Co., NE (http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/dodge/cemetery/stpatrick.txt : USGenWeb - Dodge County, Nebraska, August 16, 1975). Hereinafter cited as St. Patrick's of Clyde Cemetery.

- [S230] Index to Declaration of Intention and Final Papers Filed in Colfax County, Nebraska, online http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/colfax/citizens.html. Hereinafter cited as Naturalization Index, Colfax Co., NE.
- [S231] Index to Marriage Records in Colfax County, Nebraska, online http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/colfax/vitals.html. Hereinafter cited as Marriage Records Index, Colfax Co., NE.

- [S232] Joseph Dostal household, 1910 U.S. Census, Lincoln Precinct, Colfax County, Nebraska enumerated on April 29, 1910, enumeration district 49, supervisor's district 3, sheet 12B (handwritten) 59B (stamped), lines 87, dwelling 250, family 250, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, Roll 841, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S233] George Prucha household, 1920 U.S. Census, Dodge Village, Webster Twp, Dodge County, Nebraska enumerated on January 20, 1920, enumeration district 116, supervisor's district 3, sheet 7A (handwritten) 245A (stamped), lines 30-32, dwelling 187, family 180, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, Roll 986, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S234] George NMN Prucha, Certificate of Death 145448 (Dec 29, 1967), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as George Prucha Death Certificate.

- [S235] Clara Mary Prucha, Certificate of Death 214023 (Sep 8, 1982), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Clara Prucha Death Certificate.

- [S236] John Martinek household, 1910 U.S. Census, Monterey Township, Cuming County, Nebraska enumerated on April 25, 1910, enumeration district 67, supervisor's district 3, sheet 4B (handwritten) 97B (stamped), lines 89-93, dwelling 64, family 64, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, Roll 841, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S237] John Martinek household, 1920 U.S. Census, Dodge Village, Webster Township, Dodge County, Nebraska enumerated on January 2, 1920, enumeration district 116, supervisor's district 3, sheet 2A (handwritten) 240A (stamped), lines 35-36, dwelling 38, family 40, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T625, Roll 986, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S238] John Martinek household, 1930 U.S. Census, Dodge Village, Webster Township, Dodge County, Nebraska enumerated on April 3, 1930, enumeration district 27-28, supervisor's district 3, sheet 2A (handwritten) 268A (stamped), lines 37-38, dwelling 42, family 44, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T626, Roll 1271, image viewed online or on CD from Heritage Quest Archives Digital Microfilm.
- [S239] Wenzel Konvalin and Mary Martinek marriage, May 26, 1879, in Colfax County Judge (Filed May 19, 1879 by H. C. Russell, County Judge, Schuyler, Nebr.; Page 11): Olean, Colfax County, Nebraska, Colfax County Court, Nebraska, Colfax County Courthouse; 411 E. 11th St, Schuyler, Colfax County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Konvalin/Martinek Marriage Record.
- [S240] U.S. Federal Census unknown cd.

- [S241] Joseph Martinek and Julia Lodl marriage, January 12, 1909, in Colfax County Judge: Heun, Colfax County, Nebraska, Colfax County Court, Nebraska, Colfax County Courthouse; 411 E. 11th St, Schuyler, Colfax County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Martinek/Lodl Marriage Record.
- [S242] Adolph Krajic, Certificate of Death 11156 (19 Dec 1924), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Adolph Krajic Death Certificate.
- [S243] Adolph Krajic and Minnie Buresh marriage, February 21, 1892, in Colfax County Marriage Record (Record No. 1124): Heun, Colfax County, Nebraska, Colfax County Court, Nebraska, Colfax County Courthouse; 411 E. 11th St, Schuyler, Colfax County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Krajic/Buresh Marriage Record.
- [S244] Rose Rosicky, compiler, A History of Czechs (Bohemians) in Nebraska (Omaha, Nebraska: Czech Historical Society of Nebraska, National Printing Company, 1929). Hereinafter cited as Czechs In NE. Republished by NEGenWeb online at URL http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/topic/ethnic/czechs/czechs.html. Presented by Special Permission of Margie Sobotka. Edited and Proofed by Sandy Benak and Connie Snyder. Web design by Connie Snyder.

- [S245] Obituary Abstracts, Schuyler Sun and Others, http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/colfax/vitals.html. Hereinafter cited as Schuyler Sun and Others.

- [S247] Unknown cd.
- [S249] Marriage Record, Dodge Co., NE, County Court of Dodge County, Nebraska, 435 North Park, Room 102, Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Dodge, NE Marriage Record.
- [S251] Clarabelle Mares and Kathrine Petersen, St. Leo's Catholic Cemetery (http://www.usgennet.org/usa/ne/county/dodge/cemetery/snyder3n1.txt : USGenWeb - Dodge County, Nebraska, Sept. 13-14, 1975). Hereinafter cited as St. Leo's Cemetery.

- [S252] Marriage Record, Cuming Co., NE, Cuming County Court, Nebraska, P.O. Box 290, West Point, Cuming County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Cuming, NE Marriage Record.
- [S253] John Martinek and Mary Cudova marriage, February 6, 1882, in Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church (Marriage License was filed February 3, 1882 by F. G. Mevis [?], County Judge, West Point, Cuming County, Nebraska.; Book 2, Page 65, Microfilm Roll MAR-1, Item 398. The marriage license was issued in Cuming County, but the marriage took place in Colfax County.): Olean, Colfax County, Nebraska, Cuming County Court, Nebraska, P.O. Box 290, West Point, Cuming County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Martinek/Cudova Marriage Record.
- [S254] Dodge Criterion, compiler, Dodge, Ne., 1886-1986 A Century of Integrity (Dodge, Nebraska: Dodge Centennial History Book Commmittee, 1986). Hereinafter cited as DodgeNe1886-1986.
- [S255] George John Prucha, Certificate of Birth 886 (Prior to 12-30, 1924), Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, P.O. Box 95065, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
- [S256] Edward Wenceslas Prucha, Certificate of Birth 7745 (?) (Prior to Dec 31, 1925), Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, P.O. Box 95065, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
- [S257] Marriage Record, Douglas Co., NE, Douglas County Clerk, NE, 1819 Farnam Street, Civic Center Room H08, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Douglas, NE Marriage Record.
- [S258] Katherine Nora Brennan, Certificate of Birth No. 182, Registered No 21930 (12-31-1918), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska.
- [S259] Olean Quasquicentennial Book Committee, compiler, 125 Years of God's Faithful Love, Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Olean, Nebraska, 1874-1999 (Dodge, Nebraska: The Dodge Criterion, 1999). Hereinafter cited as Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 1874-1999.
- [S261] Claire Mares, compiler, Marriage Records, Dodge County, Nebraska, Books A-C and 3-13 (PO Box 541, Fremont, NE 68025-0541: Eastern Nebraska Genealogical Society, Various). Hereinafter cited as Dodge Co, NE Marriage Record Indexes.
- [S262] Joseph J. Lichtenberg, Estate of Joseph J. Lichtenberg Case No. 6100 (Fee book 15, Page 417), District Court of Dodge County, Nebraska, Dodge County District Court, Dodge, Dodge County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Joseph J. Lichtenberg Probate.
- [S263] 1885 Nebraska State Census unknown cd.
- [S265] Claire Mares, compiler, Marriage Records, Cuming County, Nebraska, Books 1 - 6 (PO Box 541, Fremont, NE 68025-0541: Eastern Nebraska Genealogical Society, Various). Hereinafter cited as Cuming Co, NE Marriage Record Indexes.
- [S266] Patrick Mahan entry, Births in the Town of Newton for 1859 Page 104, Line 19 (Birthdate Aug 18, 1859, Registration date Jan, 1860), Newton, MA City Clerk, 1000 Commonwealth Avenue, Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

- [S267] Daniel Mahan household, 1860 U.S. Census, Newton, Middlesex County, MA enumerated on Sept 18, 1860, enumeration district Newton Upper Falls, sheet 287 (handwritten) 699 (stamped), lines 19-21, dwelling 1802, family 2091, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication M653, roll510, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S268] Daniel Meehan household, 1870 U.S. Census, Needham, Norfolk County, MA enumerated on July 28, 1870, sheet 51 (handwritten) 26A (stamped), lines 3-10, dwelling 342, family 400, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication M593, roll 636, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S269] Daniel Meehan household, 1880 U.S. Census, Needham, Norfolk County, MA enumerated on June 1, 1880, enumeration district 523, supervisor's district 60, sheet 4-5 (handwritten) 77D-78A (stamped), lines 49-50, 1-8, dwelling 30, family 41, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T9, roll 548, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S270] Daniel Meehan household, 1900 U.S. Census, Reservoir Street, Highlandville, Needham Town, Norfolk County, MA enumerated on June 18-19, 1900, enumeration district 1052, sheet 17B (handwritten) 258B (stamped), lines 68-70, dwelling 348, family 385, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623, roll 670, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S271] Ellen Meehan household, 1910 U.S. Census, Reservoir Street, Needham Town, Norfolk County, MA enumerated on May 13, 1910, enumeration district 1129, supervisor's district 119, sheet 17A (handwritten) 211A (stamped), lines 37-38, dwelling 365A, family 370A, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, roll 609, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
- [S272] "World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918", M1509; National Archives and Records Administration; Washington, D.C.. Hereinafter cited as "WWI Draft Registration."
- [S273] City Directory ). Hereinafter cited as City Directory.
- [S274] Social Security Death Index, http://www.ancestry.com/, http://ssdi.genealogy.rootsweb.com/ (Ancestry.com, RootsWeb.com). Hereinafter cited as SSDI.
- [S275] Stanley Sterling Osterman and Catherine Nora Brennan marriage, October 31, 1942, in Buffalo County, NE Courthouse (Recorded November 2, 1942 by Ruth Norton, Clerk of the County Court, and Harvey M. Wilson, County Judge; License No. 12086): Kearney, Buffalo County, NE, Buffalo County Clerk, NE, Courthouse, PO Box 1270, Kearney, Buffalo County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Osterman/Brennan Marriage Record.
- [S276] Dennis Patrick Meehan and Lisa Lynne Dent, August 16, 2003, Dennis Meehan and Lisa Dent Wedding Announcement, at Arlington Community Church, Arlington, Washington County, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.
- [S278] Daniel Meehan, Certificate of Death (Date of Record April 20, 1902), Needham, MA Town Clerk, 1471 Highland Ave, Needham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Hereinafter cited as Daniel Meehan Death Certificate.

- [S279] Ellen Meehan, Certificate of Death (Date of Record February 4, 1911), Needham, MA Town Clerk, 1471 Highland Ave, Needham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Hereinafter cited as Ellen Meehan Death Certificate.

- [S283] George W. Sr. Keyser and Mary Ellen Meehan marriage, December 28, 1927, in South Dakota State Board of Health, Division of Vital Statistics (Register No. G9, Stamped Number 123197. Found via ancestry.com "South Dakota Marriage Certificates, 1905-1949". Source Information: Ancestry.com. South Dakota Marriage Certificates, 1905-1949 [database online]. Provo, Utah: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2004. Original data: South Dakota Department of Health. South Dakota Marriage Index, 1905-1949. South Dakota Department of Health, Pierre, South Dakota.): Fort Pierre, Stanley County, South Dakota, Ancestry.Com, Provo, Utah County, Utah. Hereinafter cited as Keyser/Meehan Marriage Record.

- [S284] Bob Stallman (e-mail address), Cedar Hill, SD Cemetery (http://home.comcast.net/~tombstonebob/tombstones/cedar.htm : Bob Stallman, May, 2002). Hereinafter cited as Cedar Hill Cemetery.

- [S285] "South Dakota Death Index 1905-1955 [database online]", 1905 thru 1955, South Dakota Death Index 1905-1955, online http://content.ancestry.com/iexec/?htx=List&dbid=8659&ti=0, printout dated April 27, 2005. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utah (Ancestry), Pierre, South Dakota (Original): Ancestry.com, Original data: South Dakota Department of Health. Index to South Dakota Death Records, 1905-1955. South Dakota Department of Health, Pierre, South Dakota., 2005 (Ancestry), 1905 thru 1955 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "SD_DeathIndx1905-55."
- [S287] LDS, compiler, "Hall Ancestral File"; Ancestral File, 4.19 (Viewed May 2005), FamilySearch.org, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. Hereinafter cited as "Hall Ancestral File."
- [S288] "Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900 [database online]", 1763-1900, Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900, online http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/archives/marriage.html, printout dated May 15, 2005. Previously published in hard copy (Illinois: Illinois State Archives & The Illinois State Genealogical Society, 1763 thru 1900 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "IL_MarrIndx1763-1900."
- [S289] Rich Holmes's Family Group Sheets, online http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~rsholmes/ and http://web.syr.edu/~rsholmes/genealogy/index.html. Hereinafter cited as Holmes, Rich FGS.

- [S290] "Mary Margaret Brennan Diary, 19 Jan 1942 - 5 Mar 1943," (MS, 19 Jan 1942 - 5 Mar 1943; Omaha, Nebraska); unknown repository reference, Original in possession of author; unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Mary Brennan Diary."
- [S291] Jacob Joseph Hall and Karla Ann Bender, October 29, 2005, Jacob Hall and Karla Bender Wedding Announcement, at Holy Family Catholic Church, Lindsay, Platte County, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.
- [S292] Edward and Thomas Brennan entry; City of Chester Ship Passenger List, 6 Jun 1881; in M237 (http://www.ancestry.com : Ancestry.com), 438.

- [S293] Omaha, Nebraska 1914 City Directory (http://distantcousin.com/Directories/NE/Omaha/1914/ : DistantCousin.com, 1914). Hereinafter cited as Omaha, NE 1914 City Dir.
- [S294] Eastern Nebraska Genealogical Society, "Memorial Day - Civil War Obits - William Krueger", Roots and Leaves 30, No. 2, Page 36 (Summer, 2005). Hereinafter cited as "William Krueger Obit."

- [S295] Omaha Directory Co.'s Omaha city directory, including South Omaha, 1910 (http://content.ancestry.com/browse/default.aspx?dbid=25605 : Ancestry.com; Original publisher: Omaha Directory Co., 1910). Hereinafter cited as Omaha, NE 1910 City Dir.
- [S296] Bureau of Education and Registration for Nurses, License to practice as a Registered Nurse 19 Sep 1942, Department of Public Instruction, at Lincon, Nebraska; Original in possession of author.

- [S297] Edward John Prucha, Notification of Birth Registration 04675 (20 Mar 1944), State of Nebraska, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska.
- [S298] Marilyn Rehling, "Genealogy Request - Brennan & Meehan", e-mail message from e-mail address (Omaha Catholic Cemeteries, 7710 West Center Road, Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 391-3711) to Richard Prucha, 23 Jun 2006. Hereinafter cited as "Brennan & Meehan cemetery info."

- [S299] Patrick McEnery household, 1880 U.S. Census, Village of Pekin, Allegany County, Maryland enumerated on June 2, 1880, enumeration district 9, supervisor's district 3, sheet 5 (handwritten) 205A (stamped), lines 33-39, dwelling 29, family 40, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T9, roll 493, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.
![McInary [McEnery], Patrick Family, 1880 US Census](picicon.gif)
- [S300] Ancestry.com, McEnery, Mary 1885 NE State Census Index (Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc., 2002), Mary McNary family, ED 259, Page 63. Hereinafter cited as McEnery, Mary 1885 NE Census.

- [S301] Mary Anderson household, 1900 U.S. Census, 2017 Paul Street, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on June 1, 1900, enumeration district 79, supervisor's district 3, sheet 5B (handwritten) 291B (stamped), lines 67-68, dwelling 99, family 99, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T623, roll 924, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.

- [S302] Thomas F. Clark household, 1910 U.S. Census, 1623 Maple Street, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska enumerated on Apr 22, 1910, enumeration district 33, supervisor's district 2, sheet 7A (handwritten) 55A (stamped), lines 14-21, dwelling 124, family 136, National Archives and Records Administration micropublication T624, roll 843, image viewed online or on CD from www.ancestry.com.

- [S304] McEnery, Mary 1910 Omaha City Directory (Original: Omaha, NE, Scanned: Provo, UT : Original: Omaha Directory Co., Scanned by Ancestry.com, 1910). Hereinafter cited as McEnery, Mary 1910 OmahaCityDir.

- [S305] Patrick J. Mary A. and Thomas P. Gentleman Cemetery Marker, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Omaha, NE, 4912 Leavenworth, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska; Richard G. Prucha, 11 Jul 2006.

- [S306] Mrs. Mary Gentleman, Certificate of Death 03808 (Mar 2, 1944), Department of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Omaha, Nebraska, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Mary Gentleman, Death Certificate.

- [S307] Nora Marino, "Bernie's Mom", e-mail message from unknown author e-mail (Beaver Creek, Ohio) to Richard G. Prucha, 20 Jul 2006. Hereinafter cited as "Bernie's Mom."
- [S308] Salvatore and Rosina Beatrice Grande Marino entry; Conte Di Savola Passenger List, 1 Jul 1937; in New York. Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957.; Page 53, Lines 18-19 (www.ancestry.com, Original publisher: Washington, D.C. : Ancestry.com, Original publisher: National Archives), Micropublication T715, Roll 6002.

- [S310] "Omaha, Nebraska Directories 1889-90 [database online]", 1889 and 1890, Omaha, Nebraska Directories, 1889-90, online www.ancestry.com, printout dated March 5, 2003. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utah (Ancestry), Omaha, Nebraska (J.M. Wolfe & Co.): Ancestry.com, Originally published by J.M. Wolfe & Co., 2000 (Ancestry), 1889 and 1890 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "Omaha Directories, 1889-90."

- [S311] Frank & Elizabeth Fogarty Cemetery Marker, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Omaha, NE, 4912 Leavenworth, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska; Richard G. Prucha, 11 Jul 2006.

- [S312] Charles J. Fogarty entry; President Roosevelt Passenger List, 16 Jul 1938; in New York. Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957.; Page 143, Line 7 (www.ancestry.com, Original publisher: Washington, D.C. : Ancestry.com, Original publisher: National Archives), Microfilm Serial T715, Roll 6182.

- [S313] Patrick Henry Meehan and Katie McEneary marriage, October 19, 1887, in Douglas County (Filed and Recorded Nov 10, 1887 by J. H. McCulloch, County Judge.): Omaha, Douglas County, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Meehan/McEneary Marriage Record.

- [S314] Patrick J. Gentleman and Mary A. Dowd marriage, September 15, 1895, in Sacred Heart Church (Filed and recorded September 21, 1895 by Irving F. Baxter, County Judge, Record No. 3908.): Omaha, Douglas County, County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Douglas County Court, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. Hereinafter cited as Gentleman/Dowd Marriage Record.
- [S315] Funeral of E. J. Brennan, Omaha World-Herald, Omaha, Nebraska, Jan 16, 1903. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World-Herald.

- [S316] Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, online http://www.forestlawnomaha.com. Hereinafter cited as Forest Lawn Memorial Park.
- [S317] Daniel J. Mahon and Ellen Sullivan, Marriage Certificate No. 52, Brookline, MA Town Clerk, Town Hall, 1st Floor, 333 Washington St., Brookline, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Hereinafter cited as Mahon - Sullivan, Marriage Certificate.
- [S318] Letter from Bill Barnes (Omaha Catholic Cemeteries, 7710 West Center Road, Omaha, NE 68124 (402) 391-3711) to Richard Prucha, 2 Jun 2007; Original in possession of author (unknown repository address).
- [S319] Massachusetts Archives Vital Records (1841-1910) On-line Index, online http://www.sec.state.ma.us/arc/arcsrch/VitalRecordsSearchContents.html. Hereinafter cited as MA Vital Records 1841-1910 Index.
- [S320] Minnie M, John P and Mary Ann Meehan Henry D Cemetery Marker, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Omaha, NE, 4912 Leavenworth, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska; Richard G. Prucha, 15 Oct 2007.

- [S321] "CaliforniaVoter Registrations 1900-1968 [database online]", 1900 thru 1968, California Voter Registrations 1900-1968, online http://www.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?dbid=1249. Previously published in hard copy (Provo, Utah (Ancestry), Sacramento, CA (Original): Ancestry.com. California Voter Registrations, 1900-1968 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008. Original data: State of California, United States. Great Register of Voters. Sacramento, California: California State Library., 2008 (Ancestry), 1900 thru 1968 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "CA_VoterReg1900-68."
- [S322] "Missouri Death Certificates, 1910-1957 [database online]", 1910 thru 1957, Missouri Death Certificates, 1910-1957, online http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/resources/deathcertificates/#search, printout dated March 11, 2008. Previously published in hard copy (http://www.sos.mo.gov/: Missouri Office of the Secretary of State :: Missouri State Library | Missouri State Archives :: The State Historical Society of Missouri, 2007-2008 (Missouri Office of the Secretary of State ), 1910 thru 1957 (Original)). Hereinafter cited as "MO_DeathCert1910-57."
- [S323] "Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis", Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, online http://www.archstl.org/cemeteries/, printout dated March 13, 2008. Previously published in hard copy (St. Louis, MO: Archdiocese of St. Louis, Unknown). Hereinafter cited as "St. Louis Catholic Cemeteries."
- [S324] Edward J. Prucha, Death Certificate 2013-504837 (10-May-2013), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as PruchaEdward_DeathCert.
- [S326] Prucha, Edward V. Apr 12, 1925 - Aug 7, 2017, Omaha World Herald On-line, Omaha, Nebraska, 7 Aug 2017, http://www.omaha.com/obits/prucha-edward-v/article_111885a1-81bb-5114-9a9a-939d0dac53ad.html. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World Herald.
- [S327] Prucha, Jean D. (Lenczowski), Omaha World Herald On-line, Omaha, Nebraska, 7 Nov 2016, http://www.omaha.com/obits/prucha-jean-d-lenczowski/article_89dc3254-26c1-58b6-bd6a-42c3d54743c1.html. Hereinafter cited as Omaha World Herald.
- [S328] Lenczowski Family Info, Rick Prucha, WebFinds Compilation, 26-Dec-2017. File: Lenczowski_JeanPrucha_Family_Info.txt.
- [S329] Martinek Family History By Clara Prucha, Clara (Martinek) Prucha, Scanned letter, No Date. File: MartinekFamilyHistory_WrittenByClara_Martinek_Prucha.pdf.