Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Me Van Brink Norris ------------ That's my battle jacket, sweets. I bought two like that."
Description: 1st. Lt. Lumir "Lou" J. Prucha, ? Van Brink and Earl J. Norris at base A-69, Laon, France.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_afront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Me Van Brink Norris ------------ That's my battle jacket, sweets. I bought two like that."
Description: (Back of Photo) 1st. Lt. Lumir "Lou" J. Prucha, ? Van Brink and Earl J. Norris at base A-69, Laon, France.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_arear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Just before take off."
Description: 1st. Lt. Lumir "Lou" J. Prucha in an A-26 cockpit, probably "Sugar Baby" (5H-S).
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_bfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Just before take off."
Description: (Back of Photo) 1st. Lt. Lumir "Lou" J. Prucha in an A-26 cockpit, probably "Sugar Baby" (5H-S).
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_brear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Me in "Sugar B.""
Description: 1st. Lt. Lumir "Lou" J. Prucha in an A-26B "Sugar Baby" (5H-S) cockpit.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_cfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Me in "Sugar B.""
Description: (Back of Photo) 1st. Lt. Lumir "Lou" J. Prucha in an A-26B "Sugar Baby" (5H-S) cockpit.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_crear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "I took this of Ferguson when he was sitting beside me over Koln."
Description: Sgt. Leland C. Ferguson in A-26 cockpit (probably "Sugar Baby" (5H-S)) during a mission flight.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_dfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "I took this of Ferguson when he was sitting beside me over Koln."
Description: (Back of Photo) Sgt. Leland C. Ferguson in A-26 cockpit (probably "Sugar Baby" (5H-S)) during a mission flight.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_drear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Ferguson in some captured Kraut Equipment."
Description: Sgt. Leland C. Ferguson at base A-69, Laon, France, with German uniform and equipment.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_efront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Ferguson in some captured Kraut Equipment."
Description: (Back of Photo) Sgt. Leland C. Ferguson at base A-69, Laon, France, with German uniform and equipment.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_erear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Ferguson & 'Sugar Baby'"
Description: Sgt. Leland C. Ferguson at base A-69, Laon, France in front of A-26B "Sugar Baby" (5H-S).
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_ffront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Ferguson & 'Sugar Baby'"
Description: (Back of Photo) Sgt. Leland C. Ferguson at base A-69, Laon, France in front of A-26B "Sugar Baby" (5H-S).
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_frear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Just before we took off for the Rhine River "Eva Mae" Carver's ship"
Description: 1st. Lt. Lumir "Lou" J. Prucha and Sgt. Leland C. Ferguson at base A-69, Laon, France in front of A-26B "Eva Mae", Lt. James A. Carver's ship.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_gfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Just before we took off for the Rhine River "Eva Mae" Carver's ship"
Description: (Back of Photo) 1st. Lt. Lumir "Lou" J. Prucha and Sgt. Leland C. Ferguson at base A-69, Laon, France in front of A-26B "Eva Mae", Lt. James A. Carver's ship.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_grear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "A crew chief on "Eva Mae" Sugar Baby is the 2nd one down you can see"
Description: A crew chief on wing of A-26B "Eva Mae".
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_hfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "A crew chief on "Eva Mae" Sugar Baby is the 2nd one down you can see"
Description: (Back of Photo) A crew chief on wing of A-26B "Eva Mae".
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_hrear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Paris"
Description: Street in Paris.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_ifront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Paris"
Description: (Back of Photo) Street in Paris.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_irear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "A street scene in Paris."
Description: Street in Paris.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_jfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "A street scene in Paris."
Description: (Back of Photo) Street in Paris.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_jrear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Street in Paris"
Description: Street in Paris.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_kfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Street in Paris"
Description: (Back of Photo) Street in Paris.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_krear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Whoops, this was on the way back to Laon from Paris and we had to stop for a minute"
Description: Taking a break on the trip from Paris back to base A-69, Laon, France.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_lfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Whoops, this was on the way back to Laon from Paris and we had to stop for a minute"
Description: (Back of Photo) Taking a break on the trip from Paris back to base A-69, Laon, France.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_lrear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "I think this is Cologne (Koln). The cathedral is on the extreme left."
Description: View of Cologne, Germany from plane cockpit. A spire of the Cologne Cathedral is visible at the far left.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_mfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "I think this is Cologne (Koln). The cathedral is on the extreme left."
Description: (Back of Photo) View of Cologne, Germany from plane cockpit. A spire of the Cologne Cathedral is visible at the far left.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_mrear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "The Rhine River thru the Bomb Bay."
Description: The Rhine River thru the Bomb Bay.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_nfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "The Rhine River thru the Bomb Bay."
Description: (Back of Photo) The Rhine River thru the Bomb Bay.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_nrear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Pontoise taken at about 300 miles per hour."
Description: Pontoise taken from plane cockpit, flying about 300 miles per hour.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_ofront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Pontoise taken at about 300 miles per hour."
Description: (Back of Photo) Pontoise taken from plane cockpit, flying about 300 miles per hour.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_orear_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Laon: close to my 2nd home base in France"
Description: Laon, France, near base A-69, taken from plane cockpit.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_pfront_rgb0600
Lumir J. Prucha Caption: "Laon: close to my 2nd home base in France"
Description: (Back of Photo) Laon, France, near base A-69, taken from plane cockpit.
Image name: 19450210-0525pruchalj_a-69laonfr_070_prear_rgb0600