Lou Prucha WWII Service   

Lou remained an officer in the Officers’ Reserve Corps, Army of the United States (US Air Force Reserve) until April 16, 1950. 


Lou joined the Nebraska National Guard on January 26, 1950 (assigned to “Co A, 128th Engr C Bn, Nebr NG, as Lt, Platoon Leader”), and the National Guard of the United States on April 3,1950, both with the rank of First Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers.   On July 13, 1950, Lou was promoted to First Lieutenant, Field Artillery (FA) in the Nebraska National Guard, relieved from Co A and transferred to “Hq & Hq Btry, 568th FA Bn, Nebr NG” and assigned as Pilot, Ground Forces.  


He resigned from the Nebraska National Guard on November 1, 1950.  Lou was promoted to Captain in the Air Force Reserve on or before April 12, 1951, and as of November 14, 1951 Capt. Prucha was assigned to “Hq Tenth AF (VRS) Selfridge AFB Mich”.  


Reserves Docs

Pilot's Questionnaire for AT-6 Aircraft  (Page 1 of 5)

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Pilot's Questionnaire for AT-6 Aircraft  (Page 2 of 5)

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Pilot's Questionnaire for AT-6 Aircraft  (Page 3 of 5)

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Pilot's Questionnaire for AT-6 Aircraft  (Page 4 of 5)

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Pilot's Questionnaire for AT-6 Aircraft  (Page 5 of 5)

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President of The USA, Washington, DC

Appointment as First Lieutenant, Air Corps in the Army of the United States, from November 14, 1945

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HQ 4131st AAF Base Unit (Res. TNG.) Offutt Field, Fort Crook, Nebr.

Pars. 1-4 - Assignment of Air Reserve Personnel, Air Reserve Officer Questionnaire, Completion of Records - Request for copies of documents  (Page 1 of 4)

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HQ 4131st AAF Base Unit (Res. TNG.) Offutt Field, Fort Crook, Nebr.

Pars. 1-4 - Assignment of Air Reserve Personnel, Air Reserve Officer Questionnaire, Completion of Records - Request for copies of documents  (Page 2 of 4)

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HQ 4131st AAF Base Unit (Res. TNG.) Offutt Field, Fort Crook, Nebr.

Pars. 1-4 - Assignment of Air Reserve Personnel, Air Reserve Officer Questionnaire, Completion of Records - Request for copies of documents  (Page 3 of 4)

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HQ 4131st AAF Base Unit (Res. TNG.) Offutt Field, Fort Crook, Nebr.

Pars. 1-4 - Assignment of Air Reserve Personnel, Air Reserve Officer Questionnaire, Completion of Records - Request for copies of documents  (Page 4 of 4)

Image: 19460923_reserveasgmt_p4_rgb

Certificate of Physical Status for Flying. Active duty is considered.

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Office of the Station Operations Officer Air Reserve Training Detachment, Offutt Field, Ft. Crook, Nebr.

Six Month Examination -- AAF Flying Regulations  (Page 1 of 3)

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Office of the Station Operations Officer Air Reserve Training Detachment, Offutt Field, Ft. Crook, Nebr.

Six Month Examination -- AAF Flying Regulations  (Page 2 of 3)

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Office of the Station Operations Officer Air Reserve Training Detachment, Offutt Field, Ft. Crook, Nebr.

Six Month Examination -- AAF Flying Regulations  (Page 3 of 3)

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Certificate of Flight hours

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Individual Flight Record - Month of December, 1946

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Individual Flight Record - Month of December, 1946

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Individual Flight Record - Month of March, 1947

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Individual Flight Record - Month of March, 1947

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The Governor of the State of Nebraska

Commission certificate as First Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers in the Nebraska National Guard, as of January 26, 1950

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, State Capitol, Lincoln
Special Orders No. 21

Extract - Pars. 5-7. Par. 7 - Lumir Joseph Prucha aptd 1st Lt., CE, and asgnd to Co A, 128th Engr C. Bn, Nebr. NG [National Guard] as Lt, Platoon Leader, effective 26 Jan 1950 to fill an original vacancy.

Image: 19500126_so21_natlguardasgmt_rgb
Department of the Army, National Guard Bureau, Washington, D.C.

Card & Letter showing Federal recognition of appointment at 1st Lt, Co A, 128th Engr Combat Bn. Effective 26 Jan 1950.  (Page 1 of 3)

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Department of the Army, National Guard Bureau, Washington, D.C.

Card & Letter showing Federal recognition of appointment at 1st Lt, Co A, 128th Engr Combat Bn. Effective 26 Jan 1950.  (Page 2 of 3)

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Department of the Army, National Guard Bureau, Washington, D.C.

Card & Letter showing Federal recognition of appointment at 1st Lt, Co A, 128th Engr Combat Bn. Effective 26 Jan 1950.  (Page 3 of 3)

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President of the United States Of America

Appointment as First Lieutenant, Air Corps in the Army of the United States, from April 3, 1950

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HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Discharge from commissions as 1st Lt. Air Force & 1st Lt. US Air Force Reserve, effective 16 April 1950, in view of acceptance of appointment in the National Guard of the US.

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The Governor of the State of Nebraska

Commission certificate as First Lieutenant, Field Artillery in the Nebraska National Guard, as of July 13, 1950

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, State Capitol, Lincoln
Special Orders No. 150

Pars. 1-5. Par. 1 - 1st Lt. Lumir Joseph Prucha relvd of asgmt as Platoon Leader, eff 12 Jul 50, and is aptd 1st Lt. FA, and Transferred to HQ & Hq Btry, 568th FA Bn [Field Artillery Battalion], Nebr NG and asgnd as Pilot, Ground Forces, eff 13 Jul 1950.

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, State Capitol, Lincoln
Special Orders No. 153

Pars. 1-11. Par. 10 - 1st Lt. Lumir J Prucha will appear before a Board of Officers for rating as Liaison Officer o/a 19 Jul 50.  (Page 1 of 2)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, State Capitol, Lincoln
Special Orders No. 153

Pars. 1-11. Par. 10 - 1st Lt. Lumir J Prucha will appear before a Board of Officers for rating as Liaison Officer o/a 19 Jul 50.  (Page 2 of 2)

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Departments of the Army and the Air Force National Guard Bureau, Washington 25, D.C.

First Lt. Lumir J Prucha is required to participate regularly and frequently in aerial flights.

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln, Nebraska

Card & Letter showing Federal recognition of appointment at 1st Lt, FA, 568th FA Bn. To date from 13 July 1950  (Page 1 of 3)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln, Nebraska

Card & Letter showing Federal recognition of appointment at 1st Lt, FA, 568th FA Bn. To date from 13 July 1950  (Page 2 of 3)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln, Nebraska

Card & Letter showing Federal recognition of appointment at 1st Lt, FA, 568th FA Bn. To date from 13 July 1950  (Page 3 of 3)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln

Cover letter for P/O 159, dated 16 August 1950. P/O 159, 16 August 1950 - Extract - Pars 6-11. Par. 10 - Chief of Staff's verbal orders granting rating as Liaison Pilot to Lumir J Prucha are confirmed and made of record.  (Page 1 of 3)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln

Cover letter for P/O 159, dated 16 August 1950. P/O 159, 16 August 1950 - Extract - Pars 6-11. Par. 10 - Chief of Staff's verbal orders granting rating as Liaison Pilot to Lumir J Prucha are confirmed and made of record.  (Page 2 of 3)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln

Cover letter for P/O 159, dated 16 August 1950. P/O 159, 16 August 1950 - Extract - Pars 6-11. Par. 10 - Chief of Staff's verbal orders granting rating as Liaison Pilot to Lumir J Prucha are confirmed and made of record.  (Page 3 of 3)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln
Special Orders No. 228

Pars. 1-8. Par. 3 - Resignation of 1st Lt. Lumir J Prucha is accepted and his apmt in the Nebr. NG is terminated, eff 1 Nov 1950, by reason of incompatible occupation.  (Page 1 of 2)

Image: 19501101_so228_resignationfromng_p1_rgb
State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln
Special Orders No. 228

Pars. 1-8. Par. 3 - Resignation of 1st Lt. Lumir J Prucha is accepted and his apmt in the Nebr. NG is terminated, eff 1 Nov 1950, by reason of incompatible occupation.  (Page 2 of 2)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln, Nebraska

Card & Letter showing Federal recognition of Termination at 1st Lt, Arty, Nebr NG on 1 Nov 1950.  (Page 1 of 3)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln, Nebraska

Card & Letter showing Federal recognition of Termination at 1st Lt, Arty, Nebr NG on 1 Nov 1950.  (Page 2 of 3)

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State of Nebraska, Adjutant General's Department, Lincoln, Nebraska

Card & Letter showing Federal recognition of Termination at 1st Lt, Arty, Nebr NG on 1 Nov 1950.  (Page 3 of 3)

Image: 19501118_federalrecognitionterminated_p3_rgb
HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Extract - Par. 114 - Above-named offs primary Military Occupational Specialty's (MOS) are redisignated as indicated: Prucha Lumir J. CPT USAFR - MOS: 1051 - Pilot Two-Engine.  (Page 1 of 2)

Image: 19510412_afro84_mos_designation_p1_rgb
HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Extract - Par. 114 - Above-named offs primary Military Occupational Specialty's (MOS) are redisignated as indicated: Prucha Lumir J. CPT USAFR - MOS: 1051 - Pilot Two-Engine.  (Page 2 of 2)

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HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Retention, Promotion, and Retirement Points - Capt. Lumir J. Prucha Earned 15 points for Reserve Membership  (Page 1 of 6)

Image: 19510810_points_p1_rgb
HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Retention, Promotion, and Retirement Points - Capt. Lumir J. Prucha Earned 15 points for Reserve Membership  (Page 2 of 6)

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HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Retention, Promotion, and Retirement Points - Capt. Lumir J. Prucha Earned 15 points for Reserve Membership  (Page 3 of 6)

Image: 19510810_points_p3_rgb
HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Retention, Promotion, and Retirement Points - Capt. Lumir J. Prucha Earned 15 points for Reserve Membership  (Page 4 of 6)

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HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Retention, Promotion, and Retirement Points - Capt. Lumir J. Prucha Earned 15 points for Reserve Membership  (Page 5 of 6)

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HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Retention, Promotion, and Retirement Points - Capt. Lumir J. Prucha Earned 15 points for Reserve Membership  (Page 6 of 6)

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Honorable Discharge Certificate from the Army of the United States, for Lumir Joseph Prucha, First Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, National Guard of the United States, as of August 15, 1951

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Change of Address card.

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Change of Address card.

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HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Extract - Pars. 126 - 128. Par. 128 - Folg-named AFR offs having been gained fr prior loss thru Non-accountability are asgd to Hq 10th AF (VRS) Selfridge AFB Mich: Capt Lumir J Prucha and others named.  (Page 1 of 2)

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HQ 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Extract - Pars. 126 - 128. Par. 128 - Folg-named AFR offs having been gained fr prior loss thru Non-accountability are asgd to Hq 10th AF (VRS) Selfridge AFB Mich: Capt Lumir J Prucha and others named.  (Page 2 of 2)

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Commanding General, 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Change of Address and Status Report.  (Page 1 of 2)

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Commanding General, 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Change of Address and Status Report.  (Page 2 of 2)

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Commanding General, 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Change of Address and Status Report.  (Page 1 of 2)

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Commanding General, 10th Air Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Michigan

Change of Address and Status Report.  (Page 2 of 2)

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Air Force Reserve Qualification Data

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Air Force Reserve Inventory Questionnaire. Shows work history.  (Page 1 of 3)

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Air Force Reserve Inventory Questionnaire. Shows work history.  (Page 2 of 3)

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Air Force Reserve Inventory Questionnaire. Shows work history.  (Page 3 of 3)

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HQ 9734th Volunteer Air Reserve Training Squadron, Omaha, Nebraska

Training Bulletin showing training sessions for the month.

Image: 19530303_trainingbulletin_rgb

Miscellaneous Forms

Omaha Municpal Airport diagram

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Application for Commission in the Regular Army - Blank form  (Page 1 of 2)

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Application for Commission in the Regular Army - Blank form  (Page 2 of 2)

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Application for Extended Active Duty - Blank form  (Page 1 of 2)

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Application for Extended Active Duty - Blank form  (Page 2 of 2)

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War Department
Circular 392

Appointment of Officers to the Regular Army  (Page 1 of 8)

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War Department
Circular 392

Appointment of Officers to the Regular Army  (Page 2 of 8)

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War Department
Circular 392

Appointment of Officers to the Regular Army  (Page 3 of 8)

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War Department
Circular 392

Appointment of Officers to the Regular Army  (Page 4 of 8)

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War Department
Circular 392

Appointment of Officers to the Regular Army  (Page 5 of 8)

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War Department
Circular 392

Appointment of Officers to the Regular Army  (Page 6 of 8)

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War Department
Circular 392

Appointment of Officers to the Regular Army  (Page 7 of 8)

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War Department
Circular 392

Appointment of Officers to the Regular Army  (Page 8 of 8)

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Civil Air Regulations
Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 20 Pilot Certificates  (Page 1 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 20 Pilot Certificates  (Page 2 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 20 Pilot Certificates  (Page 3 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 20 Pilot Certificates  (Page 4 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 20 Pilot Certificates  (Page 5 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 20 Pilot Certificates  (Page 6 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 43 General Operation Rules  (Page 1 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 43 General Operation Rules  (Page 2 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 43 General Operation Rules  (Page 3 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 43 General Operation Rules  (Page 4 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 43 General Operation Rules  (Page 5 of 6)

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Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D.C.

Civil Air Regulations - Part 43 General Operation Rules  (Page 6 of 6)

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any other content are the property of, and Copyright(©) 2010 by Rick Prucha ( )
Last Updated: 22-Nov-2010