Muskogee Army Air Field, Muskogee, OK
(Oct 4, 1943 to Jan 9, 1944)
04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 1 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 2 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 3 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 4 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 5 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 6 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 7 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 8 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 9 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 10 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 11 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 12 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 13 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 14 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 15 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 16 of 17)
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04-Oct-1943 HQ Army Air Base, Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma Special Orders No. 277
Extract - Par. 1 - named units/officers WP o/a 4 Oct 1942 to Muskogee Army Air Fld, Muskogee, Okla - Temporary change of station. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), 410th Bomb Gp (L), named on page 10 of Transfer List #37. (Page 17 of 17)
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Commission summary sheet - Component Grade From To Enl (RA) Pvt 12 Dec 1941 14 Aug 1942 AUS A/C 15 Aug 1942 28 Apr 1943 AUS 2d Lt. 29 Apr 1943 present
Image: 19431015_commissionsummary_rgb
Individual Flight Record for month of October, 1943
Image: 19431031_ifr_p1_rgb
06-Nov-1943 646th Bombardment Squadron (L), 410th Bombardment Group (L)
Certificate that 2nd Lt. Lumir Prucha completed a chemical warfare course
Image: 19431106_chemicalwarfarecoursecert_rgb
12-Nov-1943 646th Bombardment Squadron (L), 410th Bombardment Group (L), Muskogee Army Air Field
Certificate that 2nd Lt. Prucha, L.J. has taken blindfold cockpit check in the A-20 type Airplane on Nov 5, 1943 and Nov 12, 1943.
Image: 19431112_a-20_cockpitcheckcert_rgb
Individual Flight Record for month of November, 1943
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Individual Flight Record for month of November, 1943
Image: 19431130_ifr_p2_rgb
04-Dec-1943 HQ 410th Bombardment Group (L), Muskogee Army Air Field, Muskogee, Okla. Special Orders No. 74
Par. 1 - Named officers granted leave - 2nd Lt. Lumir J Prucha, 646th Bomb Sq (L), granted 4 days leave EFF 23 Dec '43
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11-Dec-1943 Muskogee AAF, OK
Certificate that Lumir J. Prucha, 2nd Lt. has passed the Instrument Flight Test
Image: 19431211_aafformno8_passedinstrumentflyingtest_rgb
21-Dec-1943 HQ 410th Bombardment Group (L), Muskogee Army Air Field, Muskogee, Okla. Operations Orders No. 14
Pars. 1 - 6. Par. 2 - Named officers, 646 Bomb Sq (L), 410 Bomb Gp (L), are qualified as Limited Pilots in listed Aircrafts. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha named on A-20A, A-20C, A-20G, B-25C & D and RDB-7B aircrafts. (Page 1 of 5)
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21-Dec-1943 HQ 410th Bombardment Group (L), Muskogee Army Air Field, Muskogee, Okla. Operations Orders No. 14
Pars. 1 - 6. Par. 2 - Named officers, 646 Bomb Sq (L), 410 Bomb Gp (L), are qualified as Limited Pilots in listed Aircrafts. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha named on A-20A, A-20C, A-20G, B-25C & D and RDB-7B aircrafts. (Page 2 of 5)
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21-Dec-1943 HQ 410th Bombardment Group (L), Muskogee Army Air Field, Muskogee, Okla. Operations Orders No. 14
Pars. 1 - 6. Par. 2 - Named officers, 646 Bomb Sq (L), 410 Bomb Gp (L), are qualified as Limited Pilots in listed Aircrafts. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha named on A-20A, A-20C, A-20G, B-25C & D and RDB-7B aircrafts. (Page 3 of 5)
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21-Dec-1943 HQ 410th Bombardment Group (L), Muskogee Army Air Field, Muskogee, Okla. Operations Orders No. 14
Pars. 1 - 6. Par. 2 - Named officers, 646 Bomb Sq (L), 410 Bomb Gp (L), are qualified as Limited Pilots in listed Aircrafts. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha named on A-20A, A-20C, A-20G, B-25C & D and RDB-7B aircrafts. (Page 4 of 5)
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21-Dec-1943 HQ 410th Bombardment Group (L), Muskogee Army Air Field, Muskogee, Okla. Operations Orders No. 14
Pars. 1 - 6. Par. 2 - Named officers, 646 Bomb Sq (L), 410 Bomb Gp (L), are qualified as Limited Pilots in listed Aircrafts. 2nd Lt Lumir J. Prucha named on A-20A, A-20C, A-20G, B-25C & D and RDB-7B aircrafts. (Page 5 of 5)
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29-Dec-1943 646th Bombardment Squadron (L), 410th Bombardment Group (L), Muskogee Army Air Field
Certificate that Lt L.J.Prucha has been instructed in Air Sea Rescue Equipment in the A-20 and B-25 type Airplane, attended 4 gunnery training films, and went through a ditching procedure drill on 20 Feb 44.
Image: 19431229_airsearescueequipcert_rgb
Individual Flight Record for month of December, 1943
Image: 19431231_ifr_p1_rgb
Individual Flight Record for month of December, 1943
Image: 19431231_ifr_p2_rgb
04-Jan-1944 Officers' Clearance, Muskogee Army Air Field, Muskogee, Oklahoma
Certificate that all issued property turned in.
Image: 19440104_propertyturnincert_rgb
09-Jan-1944 HQ Muskogee Army Air Field, Muskogee, Oklahoma
Certificate of Clearance and Termination or Non Assignment of Quarters. Lumir J. Prucha, 2nd Lt. Was on duty at this station from 4 Oct 43 to 9 Jan 44.
Image: 19440109_clearancecert_rgb