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Lou Prucha WWII Service
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![]() Pilot's Flight Log |
![]() 12th Army Group Situation Map 25-Jan-1945 |
Group, Unit and Historical Extracts for Mission 194
"416th Bombardment Group (L) - Group History 1945"
Transcribed from USAF Archives
Flying our seventh mission in five days, a formation of 27 aircraft, led by Captains Hulse and Stebbins, attacked road junctions at Kall, Germany, southwest of Cologne. They scored excellent to superior results on this point. The bombs completely blanketed the road junction, damaged buildings, the road and rail line, and a railroad siding where 20 goods wagons were probably destroyed.
"Attack Bombers, We Need You! A History of the 416th Bomb Group"
Ralph Conte
Pages 199 - 200
Mission #194 - 25 January - Kall Railroad Junction. Captain Hulse and Lt. Conte, BN led Box I Captain Stebbins and Lt. Calloway, BN led Box II. Captain McNulty and Lt. Forma, BN and Captain Greenley and Lt. Basnett, BN led flights. On the bomb run, Captain McNulty's bombs fell out of the plane when the bomb bay doors opened, causing the bombs to fall way short of the target. Superior rating for the first box and three excellents were also scored. A convoy of enemy vehicles were on the road near the target and they were blanketed in a cloud of smoke and fire from the bombs being dropped.
"Operational History 668th Bomb Squadron (416th Bomb Group (L)) WWII"
Wayne Williams, et.al.
GP Mission # 194 got off early in the afternoon today. The mixture of A-26’s and A-20’s climbed into the blue loaded with 500 lb. GP’s. From our squadron came a flight of six led by Capt. McNulty, with Lt. Forma as B/N with Gunners Fuehrer and Lagerman. Lt’s Stanley and Parker flew ahead of the formation as "window" ships. Our crews formed the second flight of the second box.
Another Communications Center at Kall was on the receiving end of the bombardment. The trip over was very uneventful, neither flak nor fighters challenged the formation. The target was clear in the bombardier’s sights, and the bombs were dropped with accuracy. The bombs were seen to chase a small German convoy along the road leading to the town. Gunners reported that the enemy vehicles disappeared under a blanket of smoke after the attack. The formation left the bomb run and headed back to the base, again in complete safety. Landing was made after a flight of 3:45.
The results were of high standard. Clearly marked strike photos gave the Group
3—excellents; 1 – superior; 1—P.N.B.; and one unsatisfactory. Upon opening the bomb doors of his plane, McNulty’s bombs fell out and the rest of the flight bombed with this. The results were the bombs fell way short of the target.
"History of 670th Bombardment Squadron (L)"
Transcription from USAF Archives
The communications center at Kall, Germany, were attacked on the 25th of January. Superior bombing completely blanketed the road junction, damaged buildings and the railroad lines and sidings. Nine of our crews took part.
"671st Bomb Squadron (L) Unit History"
Gordon Russell and Jim Kerns
The 416th Invaders were out "road-blocking" again on January 25th in an effort to create another bottleneck of German motor transport retreating out of Von Rundstedt’s salient. Six flights dropped their loads of 500 pounders on the town of Kall with damaging results. Hits were scored on railroad tracks, highways and buildings in the area. The Group received one superior and three excellents, while the two other flights bombed roads and tracks a short distance from the primary with good results. Captain Greenley and Lt. Basnett, representing the 671st Squadron chalked up an excellent. Weak flak was encountered and all ships and crews returned safely.
S/Sgt.Chester R. Orvold, who has been chief gunner since the 416th left England, made this mission his last one, flying No. 51 with Captain Greenley. S/Sgt. Orvold, along with his engineer gunner, S/Sgt.Di Martino, who finished his tour on January 23rd, flew the majority of his missions with Lt.C.L.Estes.
"USAAF Chronology of WWII, month by month"
TACTICAL OPERATIONS (Ninth Air Force): 170 A-20s and B-26s hit communications centers and railroad bridges, overpasses, and lines in W Germany with the aim of harassing and obstructing troop movement; fighters of the 3 Tactical Air Commands fly armed reconnaissance, alerts and night patrols, escort bombers, and attack numerous ground targets; the XIX Tactical Air Command supports the US 5th Infantry Division in the Echternach, Luxembourg area.